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Class on Cyber Security
Nepal Police conducted Cyber Security class on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 for Grade 12 Management and Science stream students. Senior Sub-...

LA Mathematics Olympiad
Students of Grade 11 and 12 Science competed in the LA Mathematics Olympiad held on the 25th and 26th of August 2023 organized by Little...

Inter NEF Essay Competition
There was a selection test at XA for an essay writing competition at Bhanubhakta Memorial College, Panipokhari. Two students for English...

Orientation to Parents of Grade 11
On 6 August 2023, we welcomed parents/ guardians of enrolled students of Grade XI for an Orientation program. On the dais were Chairman...

Mahasangram 2023
Xavier Academy in collaboration with Debate Network Nepal organized the 8th edition of Mahasangram 2023, from 4 - 7 August 2023. XA...

26th NEF Day & Fresher's Welcome
The welcome program for the new Grade XI students and 26th NEF Day of Xavier Academy took place at Alice Receptions on August 1, 2023....

Grade XI Orientation Program 2023
Xavier Academy successfully conducted its Grade XI orientation program on 30th July at XA premises. The session started with the welcome...

Xavier Academy Model United Nations
XAMUN 2023 is the fifth iteration of the first XAMUN that took place in 2017. The 3-day XAMUN was held in the enchanting Club Himalaya,...

Xavier Academy Donates Educational Materials
On 9 July 2023 the parents, students, and well-wishers of Xavier Academy generously donated educational materials and scholarships to...

Badge Distribution Ceremony
Badge Distribution Ceremony was held at XA for the newly elected XA Student Council members and Class Monitors of Grade XI (Management...

Beginner Meditation Session
XA Alumni Nabin Bhandari (2015) and his fellow meditator organized a beginner meditation session, 'isha Kriya,' exclusively for grade 12...

Teachers' Day Celebration at Xavier Academy
Xavier Academy organized a delightful Teachers' Day celebration on July 3. During the break time, students surprised their teachers by...

Xavier Academy Donates Books to National Public Library
Xavier Academy made a donation of books to the National Public Library located at Brikutimandap on June 23rd. Instead of discarding the...

Interaction with Captain Vijay Lama
On 13 June 2023 Captain Vijay Lama and the Antim Sanskar team visited Xavier Academy, leaving a profound impact on the students. With his...

NEF Co-ordinators Meeting
In an effort to ensure a fruitful academic year, Xavier Academy recently organized a NEF Coordinators Meeting to finalize the Annual...
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