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25th Anniversary Logo Release
The logo for the 25th anniversary was discussed and designed after much brainstorming. The logo was finalized and released in the social...
Badge Distribution Ceremony
On 4 February 2020, Tuesday, Badge Distribution Ceremony was held at XA for the newly elected XA Student Council members of Grade XI...
NEF-CCN Inter-College Debate Competition
Two teams of XA in English and Nepali categories consisting of Mr. Sambid Pant, Mr. Shrijan Raj Pandey and Mr. Nobel Rimal, and Ms. Alina...
1st Harmony Inter-School Friendship Taekwondo Championship
Ms. Bibisha Lamichhance from Grade XI at XA secured the 3rd position in the Under 42 Kg Weight female category in the 1st Harmony...
Speech Competition
Congratulations to Awekshya Dangol (XI Science) for winning the 8th Annual Ambassador of Pakistan- Essay Writing Competition. Similarly,...
Students of XA organized a fundraising event on 4 December 2019 by preparing and selling food at the College premises. Students, teachers...
Social Service (Phase II)
On Saturday morning, 30 November 2019, XA organized social work for the students who had been unable to participate in Social Service II...
Awareness program against Cyber Crime
Awareness program against Cyber Crime was organized on 26 November 2019 for Grade XI & XII students as part of the ‘Police-Community...
Youth Leadership and Communication Skills
On 19 November 2019, various useful sessions were held. Students of Grade XI (Management) attended the session on Youth Leadership and...
LA Cup
LA Cup Basketball and Football Tournaments were organized by Little Angel's School, Hattiban. It was open to all the interested...
NEF-CCN Inter College Quiz
As one of the annual events held among NEF-CCN member colleges, NEF-CCN Inter-College Quiz Competition was organized by Ideal Model...
2nd Social Service
Our 2nd social service was organized in 13 different places in the valley on 9 November. Under the support and supervision of XA's...
Intra-School Sports Meet
Intra-school sports meets were held at XA on 24 – 25 October. There were four events: Chess, Quiz, Table Tennis and Basketball, for which...
Student Council Formation
Student Council established at XA with a view to grooming up leadership quality and co-ordination among students and between students and...

XAMUN 2019
With a motive to educate students about public speaking, debate, diplomacy, problem-solving, persuasive writing, and teamwork, the...
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